Times have changed for single adults. Can you picture yourself “swiping right” to find a match? There isn’t even a bar scene any more…people still go out, but they spend the night checking their phones. Thankfully, classic romance still exists, and Lasting Connections provides just that. We help you ease into the realities of post-divorce dating by making sure you never have to do anything outside your comfort zone.

Lasting Connections’ concierge dating service introduces you to worthwhile, quality individuals, and brings a healthy mix of personalities to the table. And on a higher level, our professional matchmakers offer the intuitive guidance that allows you to contrast “what you’re looking for” with “what you really need”.

We work with a hand-picked array of attractive women who hail from all corners of the country, and we take you seriously, whether or not you’re looking to get married right away. (In most cases, we wouldn’t advise that anyway when you’re fresh out of a divorce.) You may not be looking for instant commitment, but that doesn’t mean we can’t introduce you to great dates.

This is a time when you should be exploring your options, not playing games on your phone with total strangers. Our services screen and vet people who can enhance your life in ways you didn’t realize were possible. And if you’re feeling a little rusty, we offer Image Consulting and Date Coaching to regain your edge.

Being single is exciting when Lasting Connections is on your team. Let us guide you, and you’ll find this time in your life to be exhilarating and rewarding. Call Lasting Connections today!