
Nearly everyone I’ve encountered is misguided about where to find an incredible relationship—a relationship they look forward to every day.

The person who’s going to make you truly, deeply happy, every single night, is out there—you just haven’t met them yet. But you’re looking for them—that’s why you’re here. Most people spend their whole lives barely realizing that love is something essential to happiness. The majority of people I’ve encountered at my agency have never experienced what I consider a real, fulfilling relationship—a relationship that has the potential to last years, one that never grows stale, one that never dissipates over time, one where the passion and excitement is constant and unyielding. Does that sound like a fantasy? It’s not—many people experience this, and you can too.

The average person spends hundreds of hours looking in the wrong places, going on dates based on no real commonality, or worse, they think that love should fall into their lap, out of the blue, without searching for it.

On top of that, most people think that “love just fades,” and that the more you get to know someone, the more the years pass, the more you simply get used to them, the more mundane it all gets. Maybe you’ve been in a relationship with someone where it was good at first, but then slowly the passion faded. Almost everyone seems to think this is normal, but it’s not true. I know this for a fact. Real passion lasts forever. It just takes the right match—a match based on incredible chemistry from the very beginning.

That’s why I created Lasting Connections—to deliver that original, passionate, exciting alchemy, right from the get-go—a chemistry based on the subtle ingredients I’ve identified that make relationships really work.

Have you ever heard stories of couples who’ve been married 50, 60, 70 years, and who appear to still be in love? Have you ever known happily married people who are as in love with each other as they were those first few weeks they met? Have you ever known anyone whose entire relationship seemed to be in the “honeymoon” period? We have. And it’s not an old-fashioned notion. However, it is a notion that doesn’t exist in this modern era of speed-dating, online profiles, and quick dinners between fundamentally incompatible people who simply don’t know any better.

Sizzling compatibility is out there. I have seen it time and time again. In fact, I’ve made it happen.

Compatibility from the beginning doesn’t exist in the realm of online dating (a “romantic roulette-wheel”) in randomly hoping your match will cross your path at a bar or other social event, or in working with inexperienced, “numbers-gamed” amateur matchmakers.

These things might bring you a relationship that lasts a few months, but they won’t bring you something with a deep, rare, and incredibly special spark. That requires a human touch, and Lasting Connections brings that, along with years of experience.

What’s more, we can help you obtain it using techniques and processes we’ve refined over many years, using a system that simply doesn’t exist elsewhere.

I make it easy for you—I bring you pre-selected matches you’d never meet otherwise, who are already enthusiastic about you and meet your exacting, specific criteria. We have matchmakers coast to coast and internationally to find matches who are “perfect fits” for you, and our luxury matchmaking service is completely confidential.

Love is important. A fulfilling relationship can bring joy, depth, and serenity to life. People are meant to bond with one another. There is someone out there for you, and there is someone nearby. You could have walked by them at the grocery store last week, they could have been sitting behind you at the last movie theater you attended, they could even live down the street from you.

Are you ready to begin the most exciting relationship of your life? Let’s talk.

We have five current client openings as of February 2016.


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